(1a) A ranging pole is a sturdy, highly visible pole used in surveying and construction to mark positions and establish sight lines. Typically made from wood or metal, these poles are painted in alternating red and white or black and white bands to ensure visibility over long distances. They usually measure 2-3 meters in length and may have a pointed end for easy placement in the ground.
(i) Spec A: Ranging Pole – used to establish sight lines and mark positions during surveying.
(ii) Spec B: Arrow – a small metal pin used to mark measurement points on the ground.
(iii) Spec C: Measuring Tape – a flexible ruler used to measure distances or sizes.
(iv) Spec D: Wooden Peg – used to permanently mark surveyed land boundaries.
(i) Regularly clean ranging poles to maintain visibility of markings.
(ii) Clean arrows regularly to prevent rust and deterioration.
(iii) Clean measuring tapes by pulling them through a clean rag after each use.
(iv) Inspect wooden pegs for cracks and dryness before use.
To test for the capillary actio of water in different soil samples
Spec E; it has lowest capillarity
Spec F; it has the highest capillarity
Spec G; the capillarity is moderate
(i)soil sample E has the least capillarity due to it coarse and fine nature therefore it is a sandy soil
(ii) Soil sample F has the highest capillarity action therefore it is a clay soil
To hold the soil sample in place
Spec G
(i)It is rich in humus
(ii) The capillarity is moderate and good for framing
H: Chewing mouthparts.
J : Chewing mouthparts.
K: Piercing and sucking mouthparts.
Effects of Specimen H on crop production:
(i) Damage to stored maize grains.
(ii) Reduction in grain quality and quantity.
(iii) Economic losses to farmers and storage facilities.
Effects of Specimen J on crop production:
(i) Defoliation of plants
(ii) Reduction in crop yield
(iii) Damage to young seedlings
(i) Proper sanitation by keeping the store clean and free from spilled grains.
(ii) Regular inspection of stored maize for signs of infestation.
(iii) Use of hermetic storage methods such as airtight containers or bags to suffocate the weevils.
(i) Okra
(ii) Hibiscus
(iii) Eggplant
(i)Source of employment
(ii)Source of food
(iii)It generate revenue
(iv)To feed livestock
(i)It’s rich in crude fibre
(ii)It gives energy
(iii)It aids there growth and development
(i)Pueraria phaseoloids
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