
Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, inherited the kingdom of Israel after his father’s reign. However, his rule faced challenges that ultimately led to the downfall of his royal lineage. One significant problem was Rehoboam’s lack of wisdom and inability to listen to wise counsel, which resulted in his alienating a large portion of his kingdom.

When Rehoboam ascended to the throne, the people requested that he lighten the heavy burdens imposed by his father, Solomon. Instead of responding to their plea with empathy and understanding, Rehoboam sought advice from his peers, who advised him to assert even more control over the people. This decision proved disastrous, causing a revolt led by Jeroboam, who then established the northern kingdom of Israel.

Rehoboam’s inability to compromise and govern with wisdom further exacerbated the division within the kingdom. His reign saw a period of constant conflict and animosity between the northern and southern kingdoms, with subsequent rulers often engaged in warfare against each other. Additionally, his failure to protect and preserve the unity of his royal lineage allowed for the rise of multiple dynasties in the northern kingdom, weakening the overall power and authority of the Davidic dynasty.

(i) Polarization and Lack of Compromise: One problem facing modern governance is the increasing polarization and lack of compromise among political factions. Just as Rehoboam’s refusal to heed the advice of his people led to division and rebellion, modern leaders who are unwilling to seek common ground and address the concerns of all citizens risk exacerbating societal divisions. Effective governance requires collaboration and compromise to ensure the well-being and inclusivity of all members of society.

(ii) Lack of Accountability and Transparency: Another problem in modern governance is the lack of accountability and transparency. In Rehoboam’s case, his disregard for the concerns of the people highlighted a lack of accountability to his subjects. Similarly, in modern times, when leaders act without transparency or fail to be held accountable for their actions, it erodes trust in the government and undermines the democratic process. Citizens need transparency and mechanisms to hold their leaders accountable to ensure good governance.


The fall of Solomon, as recorded in the biblical accounts, can be understood in relation to his moral choices. Solomon was initially chosen by God to succeed his father David as the king of Israel. He demonstrated great wisdom, established a prosperous kingdom, built the magnificent temple in Jerusalem, and enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity. However, as his reign progressed, Solomon began to make morally compromised decisions that ultimately led to his downfall.

One of Solomon’s moral choices was his accumulation of wealth and power. Although he started his reign with integrity and sought wisdom from God, he became enticed by the allure of wealth and indulgence. He acquired vast amounts of gold and treasures, including chariots, horses, and concubines, despite God’s specific command for the kings of Israel not to acquire excessive wealth, horses, or wives. Solomon’s insatiable desire for pleasure and material possessions led him astray, diverting his attention from his responsibilities as a righteous king.

Another significant moral choice that contributed to Solomon’s fall was his intermarriage with foreign women who worshiped other gods. Despite God’s explicit prohibition against forming alliances with foreign nations and marrying idolatrous women, Solomon disregarded these commands and married many foreign wives, who eventually turned his heart away from God. These wives influenced him to build high places for the worship of their gods, leading the people of Israel astray. Solomon’s compromise in his relationships not only compromised his personal faith but also had a devastating impact on the entire nation.

Furthermore, Solomon’s pursuit of knowledge, wealth, and power caused him to neglect his duty to uphold justice and righteousness as a king. He heavily taxed the people to cover the expenses of his excessive lifestyle and extravagant building projects, which caused discontentment among his subjects. He also forced labor upon the Israelites, burdening them and straining their loyalty towards him. In failing to prioritize justice and fairness, Solomon undermined the very foundation of good governance and contributed to a growing discontent within the kingdom.

(i) Guard against the allure of wealth and power: People in authority should recognize the temptation that accompanies positions of influence and ensure that the pursuit of wealth and material possessions does not compromise their moral integrity. Contentment and moderation are essential virtues to maintain while in positions of authority.

(ii) Stay committed to moral principles: Those in positions of authority need to remain steadfast in upholding moral and ethical values, even when faced with pressure or temptation. Making compromises on principles can have far-reaching consequences, not only personally but also for those under their authority.

(iii) Surround oneself with wise counsel: It is crucial for people in authority to surround themselves with advisors and mentors who provide wise counsel and hold them accountable to their moral standards. Solomon’s downfall was partly due to his decision to ignore the wisdom of his advisors. Seeking guidance and accountability can help prevent moral lapses and ensure sound decision-making.


The story of how the first three disciples were called, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, begins with Jesus teaching by the Sea of Galilee. As people gathered to hear Him, He noticed two fishing boats by the shore.

One of the boats belonged to Simon, later known as Peter, and the other to his brother Andrew. Jesus got into Simon’s boat and asked him to push off a little from the land so that He could teach the people from the boat. Simon obliged, and Jesus continued teaching the crowd.

After Jesus finished teaching, He turned to Simon and said, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon hesitated, explaining that they had already been fishing all night and caught nothing. However, he agreed to Jesus’ request, saying, “But at your word, I will let down the nets.”

As they obeyed Jesus, their nets were soon overwhelmed with a multitude of fish, causing their nets to break. Simon, James, and John, who were partners with Simon, were amazed at the miraculous catch. Simon fell down at Jesus’ knees, exclaiming, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”

Jesus reassured Simon, saying, “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching men.” Simon and his partners, James and John, pulled their boats ashore and left everything behind to follow Jesus. They became His first disciples who would later play significant roles in His ministry.


(i) Through a sense of purpose and passion: Sometimes, individuals feel a deep calling or a strong sense of purpose to serve God and others. This calling may manifest as a passion for a specific cause or a desire to make a positive impact in the world.

(ii) Through spiritual discernment and confirmation: God may communicate His calling through prayer, meditation, and seeking guidance from trusted spiritual mentors or leaders. Through this process of discernment, individuals can receive confirmation or clarity about the specific work God is calling them to do.

(iii) Through circumstances and opportunities: God can also call people through the circumstances and opportunities that arise in their lives. Sometimes, doors open, and paths align in unexpected ways, leading individuals to recognize and respond to the call of God.


(i) Deception: James warns that if someone merely listens to the Word but does not put it into practice, they deceive themselves. They may think they are being obedient and growing in their faith, but in reality, they are not applying what they hear. James compares it to looking at oneself in a mirror but then forgetting what one looks like as soon as they turn away.

(ii) True Religion: James highlights that true religion is not merely about listening to the Word. He argues that pure and undefiled religion before God includes taking care of the vulnerable, such as orphans and widows, and keeping oneself unstained from the world. This concept of true religion encourages believers to actively live out their faith and demonstrate it through their actions.

(iii) Faith and Works: James challenges the notion that faith without works is sufficient for salvation. He emphasizes that faith must be accompanied by actions, as he argues that faith without works is dead. James draws the parallel that just as a body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.

(i) Worldly Distractions: The cares and distractions of the world can often hinder believers from actively living out their faith. The pursuit of worldly success, material possessions, or personal desires can shift one’s focus away from putting their faith into action. These distractions can lead to a lack of motivation or misplaced priorities, preventing believers from actively fulfilling the teachings of the Word.

(ii) Fear and Insecurity: Fear of rejection, judgment, or failure can prevent believers from taking action based on their faith. They might worry about how others will perceive them or hesitate to step out of their comfort zones. Insecurities and doubts about their abilities or worthiness can also hold them back from putting their faith into practice. Overcoming these fears and insecurities is crucial for believers to confidently live out their faith.

(iii) Lack of Understanding or Belief: Sometimes, believers may struggle with fully understanding the teachings of the Word or genuinely believing in them. This lack of comprehension or conviction can hinder their ability to put their faith into practice. In such cases, it is essential for individuals to seek deeper understanding, engage in further study, and strengthen their faith through prayer and fellowship with other like-minded believers.


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